Amrita Alumni

Tips for acing Interviews

After applying for a great job, a real person called to ask if you could meet with them. Congratulations! But you’ve only just started doing your job. There are several things you may do in advance of the interview to give the impression that you are poised and prepared for the meeting. Your preparation will help you stand out from the competition and improve your chances of receiving a job offer. Here are some interview preparation suggestions that will help you ace interviews smartly.

Understanding the company

When it comes to the interview day, you must be prepared. You can show that you are interested in the position and willing to learn by showing that you are familiar with the company’s products and services, the market it operates in, and its general business strategy. Try to peruse the business’ website, and search for your interviewers on LinkedIn. This will guarantee that you know exactly what you are interviewing for and with whom on the day of the interview.

Practicing mock interviews

Request the help of a friend or relative to conduct a mock interview. Tell them to ask a few interview questions that a hiring manager could ask a candidate who is applying for your position. You can obtain typical interview questions for a specific job title using a variety of web tools. Practice your answers to additional general interview questions as well as these more detailed inquiries. Know your talents and weaknesses beforehand.

Choosing the outfit

Choosing an outfit for an interview is more difficult than ever because, while many employers want applicants to dress professionally, an increasing number also permit casual attire. Depending on the size of the business, the sector it serves, and the culture it supports, you’ll be expected to dress in a certain way. A small advertisement company might have different requirements than a big FinTech company, for instance. Before attending the interview, find out the dress code if you’re unsure. It’s important to keep in mind that it’s preferable to be overly sophisticated than underdressed.

Attending the interview

Getting to the location at the right time is important if you are attending the interview physically. The best plan is to get to the interview location 30 minutes early. This will help you to relax, lower your pulse rate after the commute, collect your thoughts, review your notes, and make sure nothing unplanned interferes with your big day. For virtual meetings, join the meeting at least 10 minutes before the interview is supposed to begin. By doing this, your interviewer won’t have to wait for you to join when it’s time to begin the meeting.

   Marketing yourself

Now that you’ve pushed through your nerves, it’s time to market yourself aggressively. Be it a physical interview or a video interview, you need to start selling yourself as soon as you start introducing yourself. The key is confidence. Make eye contact as you introduce yourself. Although it can be challenging, the key is to attempt to relax your body and avoid appearing stern. When participating in a panel interview, make sure you engage the entire panel by keeping an open body posture and looking the interviewer in the eye. 

Maintaining a positive outlook

Being upbeat throughout your interview will aid in making a good impression. Make it clear to the interviewer that you are enthusiastic about the prospect of working with them. Answering tough interview questions is one of the methods to demonstrate your optimistic attitude. For instance, if a potential employer enquires about past failures or missteps, attempt to highlight what you learned from them. Likewise, try to be positive when discussing your previous jobs when asked about them. This demonstrates your decency and regard for others.

Convincing the interviewer

Try to relate your experiences and skills to the position you’re seeking during the interview. Your objective is to convince potential employers that you are qualified for the position. Read the job description thoroughly before your interview and consider what qualifications or experiences you might want to emphasize. Making connections during your interview is crucial. Even if you lack a specific talent, you can still demonstrate to employers that you are willing to learn. Also, asking insightful questions at the end of the interview demonstrates to the interviewer that you were attentive and quick on your feet. 

Getting feedback

The number of applicants the recruiters have to weed through will determine whether you hear back from them within the first few weeks after your interview. Ask your recruiter when you may anticipate hearing back. No matter the outcome, you should always request advice or comments from the interviewer, especially if the interview was unsuccessful so you may know where to strengthen for the following one.

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